Thursday, August 13, 2009


It has been a long day and now it is time for bed. It seem like my daughter is tricking me into a later and later bedtime but, I have allowed it because school is right around the corner and I enjoy our quiet time together especially after I put my 1 year old to bed. She and I chat and talk about upcoming events it is really nice to just lay on the couch and enjoy the sweetest and simplest conversation you can have. When I converse with my daughter at night it seems to lighten the days burdens and gives you sweet and innocent thoughts before you tuck your own self in bed. The joys of motherhood wouldn't trade it!


  1. Well, bedtime in my house mean times to lay three little ones down. I have a 1 year old, 5 years old, and 8 years old. We have our oldest read a book, the youngest we read to them. We kiss them goodnight and then it's hubby and I time. Bedtime is 8:30am on school days in my home. BEDTIME IS PRICELESS!!!


Are you ready for the upcoming school year?